
6599756 for Clark


Part Number: CL6599756

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Selling Unit: 
Shipping to 20149 (change)
1 Backordered items. Expected to arrive between Wednesday, January 29 and Wednesday, February 12
Heavy Item. Orders containing heavy items or exceeding 300.00 lbs. will ship LTL.
This item is special ordered directly from our suppliers.  Special orders can not be cancelled after it has been ordered.
This item is special ordered directly from our suppliers. Special orders can not be cancelled after it has been ordered.
Due to the nature or usage of this item, this item is not returnable after it has been ordered.
Due to the nature or usage of this item, this item is not returnable after it has been ordered.
256.00 supplies over 8 Million Forklift Parts, Aerial Lift Parts, Sweeper Parts, Scrubber Parts and Material Handling Supplies. We continuously work to ensure both quality and pricing. If you are quoted a better price or have any questions, please call 1-888-508-7278.
** Pictures are for reference only. If you are unsure of this being the correct part, call 1-888-508-7278 and we will help you find the correct part.
*** Most Orders over 850.00 Ship Free, excluding Forklift Forks, Forklift Engines, Forklift Batteries, Forklift Transmissions, and many Rebuilt Forklift Parts. Restrictions apply. Call us at 1-888-508-7278 prior to placing an order for the items listed.
**** Contact Us: or 1-888-508-7278